Take an Art Break
Take an Art Break Podcast is an ongoing and open ended conversation about art and why everyone should make it part of their daily life. Each new conversation starts with a question that builds on the last conversation.
Take an Art Break
What happens to your soul on art?
Lisa and Lauren continue their conversation about what happens to you when you make art part of your daily life. Today's conversation revolves around your soul and what happens to your soul, your spirit, when you make art. Have a story or comment to share regarding this question? Feel free to comment below or reach out through our website at https://artismoving.org/
Learn more about the Take an Art Break Movement on the Art is Moving website here.
<silence> Here we go. All right . Okay. We're gonna try this again. <laugh> . Okay . And this is Lauren
Speaker 2:And Lisa from Artist Movie . Hello . So , today we get a guess , but , um, that didn't work out. Just, you know, life so doesn't <laugh> sometimes doesn't not work out. So today our, our topic is what happens to your soul on art. So Lauren , you kind of wanna riff off that . Yeah . What happens to your soul? Gosh.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So I love that the last couple months we first, we talked about what happens to your brain on art, those , um, and then we talked about what happens to your body on art last time. And so we were , um, just kind of continuing that conversation and what happens to your soul on art? What happens to your spirit on art? Um, I mean, gosh, where do you even begin? Uh, I have this conversation almost on a daily basis with , um, all with my kiddos. Um , my kids, especially one of them who , um, art breaks. Um , you know, drawing is his way of getting the, like muck
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:<affirmative> , mm-hmm . <affirmative> , um, that we sort of build up on a daily basis out. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> . Um , my other one has discovered that journaling is the answer to that. Um, and I think , um, to me it, it's sort of like is a spa day for your soul, if that makes sense. It's like you walk in and you are tired and exhausted, and you have so many things that you may not even understand that you're going through, and then you take your heartbreak, whatever that heartbreak is. It could be knitting, it could be baking for me. Um, it's baking right now. Um, it could be spending time in your painting studio like you do, Lisa. It could be anything that helps you feel refreshed alive , um, like you're ready to take on the day. Um, and, you know, and I don't know that there's anything else out there that necessarily can do that in such a short amount of time, if that makes sense. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,
Speaker 2:I agree with you. What
Speaker 1:About you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, for me, well , I think, well, my art is, has always, not always, but it transformed into a spiritual process. So for me, creating art is like when you can , um, step out of the way, meaning your ego steps outta the way, and you can kind of like have it kind of channel through you. It's kind of like, you know, getting into the flow where at times you're like, where is this coming from? Not like, it's just like, it's coming through you. And I've experienced this so many times when I'm painting. It's like, you're , it's like, it's not specifically you moving through. So it , for me, art, your art on soul, or your soul on art is basically , um, tapping into something larger than yourself. Tapping into like the creative flow in the universe . And yes , it is a beautiful exercise to like , let go of all that muck within you and then, then you find your true self. So that's kind of what art and soul means to me. Or art on soul, or soul and art <laugh>.
Speaker 1:Love it. So basically what I'm hearing you say is that like, you didn't even know this was gonna happen to you when you started making art. Yeah . It just, it in inevitably happened for you and now you make the con conscious decision to make it happen to you because of how you feel?
Speaker 2:Um , kind of , kind of , I mean, my path through the art process was when I was a kid, I had to express myself. And that's, and it was angst. It was not pleasant emotions. I had to get them out. And if I didn't get them out, I don't know , <laugh> , I probably would've went crazy. Right. So then, but then when I , um, you know, grew and matured a bit, I tapped in, I had an experience where I tapped into something that was larger than myself or was actually going through me. So I don't know if I consciously do it. You can't like say, I'm gonna turn on the faucet and it's gonna happen . It's a moment in time where if you can receive , it's about recession and being , and it's a process. I mean, and I guess it , um, I forgot who said it. Some famous artist says , you know, it's about evidence of your spirit. Art is about evidence of your spirit or your soul. So that's part of it . Oh ,
Speaker 1:That's interesting. Yeah . I like that. So I think like you are trying to ta well, I mean, you inevitably, and we've heard other people talk about this mm-hmm . Right ? You're, you're tapping into something like the, the creative conscience of mm-hmm . The entire globe, let's say. Yeah . Um, and I would argue past, present, future, right? There is no sort of linear timeline of that. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , it is that, it's , um, the co you know, the cosmos. I think about the cosmos a lot and the fact that we come from the cosmos and what a beautiful, but also slightly terrifying thing that is, for me personally, I like , it's so, it's so hard to kind of process that. Um, and maybe that's what it is. Maybe it's like the processing of the past, present, and future and like, what is life and sort of all those existent existential questions you might have every once in a while. Um mm-hmm . <affirmative> . And I think that it's interesting, like why mm-hmm . <affirmative> would painting do that? Why does painting that for you? Um ,
Speaker 2:For me, I don't know if it's just painting, I think it's getting into the flow state. You know, they talk about the flow state, and I think the flow state is really about being in the present moment. It's like you were talking about past, present, future, I think when you can be in the present moment . So it becomes like more of a meditative process where , you know , you just like , maybe it's that mark . I'm not thinking and watching it go. So it's almost like the brush, it's like I'm putting the brush down and I'm like seeing in the present moment it's moving . So it's a meditative process. It's not like you're like, oh, I have to paint that apple, or I wanna paint the cosmos. You know what I mean? There's no a want, want, want . It's more about living in this present moment than just allowing and receiving. Like, and sometimes it's not good. I mean, in terms of like, if you go back to your, your ego state, right? And you're like, well , what, what what just came out of me? And sometimes it's awe inspiring. So it's like it's, I mean, it's basically , um, for me, it'll take it to what we, our mission is take an art break. It's really like taking an art break is that little glimpse of saying that you have consciousness, you are mindful, you can be in the present moment. And when you're in the present moment and you take five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes for yourself just to try to be in the present moment. And then if you can tap into the flow, that's something is yes , I'm tapping into something larger than myself. And then you're not, it's like an expansive state versus a contracted state. Mm-hmm . I think a lot times when we live in the past for the future, that fight or flight is just going, oh , you know, just going mental. But if somehow you can, an art is the perfect way, may it be baking, may it be drawing, may it be sculpting, may taking a , a walk in nature, maybe picking up a leaf , maybe painting, if it can get in the present moment just for a moment in time. You know, get off the screen, you know, get off your future, get off the past. And if you can get in the , and then you receive and life becomes really magic, it's like you become the magic and the art is the magic. If that makes any sense. <laugh> ma makes
Speaker 1:Total sense . When I, when I get an opportunity to, like pho photography was a tool for me mm-hmm . <affirmative> to be in the , OR is a tool for me to be in the present moment. Right . 'cause you have to be looking mm-hmm . <affirmative> , you can't. Right . But a lot of the times I photograph from what , from my gut, right . I don't necessarily plan a composition , um, and wait for it, you know, it's, I'm not a wildlife photographer. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , I'm not ans Adams , um, I'm not gonna wait for sunset. I tend to, well , there were times that I'd just hang my camera around my neck mm-hmm . <affirmative> and I wouldn't even look through the viewfinder. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> . It was more of like, when my body told me to photograph, I should then I would just click the button. Right . But at the same time, I was like, almost like looking back and forth and trying to find, find the world in the world. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . Um, and a lot of times it was people. Mm-hmm . I think photography is very much for me about showing people that we are not as different as we might think, and that we are absolutely all connected mm-hmm. <affirmative> . And I think you're hitting on that a little bit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . And I think that's why I think about the past, present, and future. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> existing all at the same time. Because when I'm photographing a tree mm-hmm . <affirmative> , you know , I'm stopping to look at the tree. I'm , I'm talking to the tree. 'cause that's just who I am. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , uh, and, but I'm noticing the tree and I am realizing that the tree has seen more than me.
Speaker 2:Right. Right .
Speaker 1:Um, and that's a beautiful thing. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> and I, I don't think you do that if you don't take a breath and take a break and give yourself a minute and your , you know, your soul, your spirit, your subconscious, whatever you wanna call it mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm . <affirmative> , um, time to have that relationship not only with yourself, but other people, but also the rest of the world. And maybe that's what art, you know, maybe that's what happens to your soul on art, is it , is you kind of, you give it time, you give it a few minutes to, like you said, really be here. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> not worried about what you did yesterday or worried about what's happening tomorrow, but almost realizing that none of that really matters. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , because you're here, all you have is here and now that's it. Yeah.
Speaker 2:I understand that. And I think when you talk about the past, present, future, it's a non-linear experience. Whereas I think we're taught to think it's linear. So my past was when I was three, my future's when I'm 70. You know what I mean? And so, right.
Speaker 1:But if , right. Yeah. Yeah . Go ahead.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. You just have to recontextualize your, your experience of time. And I think if you can be in the present and be non-linear, meaning going, oh wow, it's simultaneous. Oh wow . We're interconnected, we're inter, you know, we're not separate. We're, it's this unity consciousness mm-hmm . <affirmative> . And I think when you create in the present moment, and when you let go of that linear time and you really get into that cosmic dance of the non-linear , you know what I mean? You're just like, oh my God, this is kind of, there's something really amazing, magical, awesome. Sublime and terrifying here in the moment in time . Right. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, I, I think that when you are in the present moment, right, and we have to go in a few minutes mm-hmm. <affirmative> , but when you are in the present moment , um, you are your past. Right. I mean, you're always your past. Right? Yes . Because who you are today has everything to do with what you've experienced your entire life. Right. And in a way, you also are your future because the , the choices you make right now determine your future. Mm-hmm . And I think , uh, we could have people argue against that. 'cause some people believe we're , you're just on a path, you know, you're destined to go in certain places. And I would love to have a conversation with someone about that mm-hmm . <affirmative> and their thoughts on that. Um, and then, you know, I just think that it's this notion of, I think what art does to your soul, it is, it allows your soul to breathe and let go. A little bit of having to have control. Right. Like you said, you're, you're like, I'm not really in control of my paintbrush . Mm-hmm . But then I step back and I say, that came from me. Whether it looks like kind of devastating or mm-hmm . <affirmative> amazing. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> . Right . That it , that did come from you. Mm-hmm . But it came from you when you let your soul do it. Yeah. When you let your spirit do it. And it's a different conversation. Right . It's gotta be in a different part of your body. Um , I think
Speaker 2:Your heart possibly. And it's almost like, just for me, just to, it's a practice, a beautiful heartbreak practice would be, I've heard this before, but if you ask your soul, what do you want me to know right now? And if you can try to breathe into it or , or consciousness, whatever you wanna call it , universe, you know, whatever, whatever resonates with you , um, ask it. What do you want me to know right now? And breathe in that moment and see what comes out and see, see if that would be a beautiful art break . <laugh>
Speaker 1:Yeah . Process . Yeah. Okay. Well that was awesome. <laugh>. I could talk to you . I mean, we know this . I could talk to you all day. That's right . All day, every day . <laugh> . Alright .